Custom buttons are a great way to get noticed. These portable buttons are cost effective if given away, and unique enough to stand out. They can be pinned, clipped, or organized. The large size is still small enough to be portable, but large enough that it can get attention in a crowd. Depending on the angle you approach buttons from, you can get them to do different things. These are four common ways custom buttons spread your message.

1. Make event specific gear

Custom buttons are a great way to give away something permanent to commemorate an event without breaking the bank. Make custom buttons to help you celebrate anything, from launching a new line of products to attending a trade show or convention. For example, buttons make a great prize to give to people passing by, checking out your convention booth.

2. Job tags are the new name tags

Custom buttons are a great way to differentiate between team members. If you’re bringing together members of different teams for some communication boosting or brain storming business exercises, job tags work as a fun way to show who’s on which “team”. If you’re looking to attract the attention of customers, a “job tag” can be better than a name tag at orienting them. It’s nice to know that your employee is Jane, but it would be more useful if they knew that Jane was an IT specialist or the manager–someone who can help them get to the bottom of their problems faster.

3. Portable advertising

In their most basic form, buttons make great portable advertisements. Their custom nature makes them perfect for spreading the word about your brand or your business. You can design eye catching, color-popping logos, names, and pictures. Easily clip them onto free gifts, or throw them in a bag for loyal customers. This way, they can spread the word about your business. The key to making this work is making sure the buttons aren’t bland. Only your employees love your business enough to wear a boring button. So, if you want happy customers to wear them out and about, you have to make it worth their while.

4. Inspiration on the go

Sometimes, a pure advertisement is too direct. This is especially true if you’re trying to market a service or insight that you provide. For example, if you’re a business consultant a plain advertisement would be too bland. It wouldn’t help you stand out from the competition. However, if you have a large button with a thoughtful (short and clear) quote on it, you’ve got your foot in their mental door. They already ascribe you with insight–now you just have to follow up on a first impression!

Custom buttons are a great way to deliver your message to your audience. Whether you’re dealing inside your company or directly with potential clients, custom buttons are a great resource. You can have your company proudly displayed by happy customers and have the chance to make a thoughtful first impression. So before you head to that next convention or tradeshow, get the custom buttons that reach your target audience.