Wheatpaste Posters Economical

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    Max file size: 100 MBPermitted file types: jpg jpeg jpe png gif pdf eps

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Wheatpaste Poster Specifications:

Print Cheap Wheatpaste Posters:

Sizes Available:

  • 18″ x 24″
  • 20″ x 30″
  • 24″ x 36″
  • 27″ x 40″
  • 48″ x 72″
  • Custom Size (Contact us)


  • 28LB Bond Paper

Turnaround Time:

  • 4 Business Days
  • Rush Service

Order Turnaround:

Cutoff time for all orders is 8:00 AM PST (Monday-Friday). Orders placed after cutoff time will be reconciled the following business day. Please note, turnaround time does not include Digital proof preparation.


Street Smart Marketing: The Power of Wheatpaste Poster Advertising

In the bustling streets of cities around the world, wheatpaste poster advertising has emerged as a creative and impactful way for businesses, artists, and activists to reach a wide audience and make a statement. In this article, we’ll explore the art and strategy behind wheatpaste poster advertising, its unique advantages, and how it’s reshaping the landscape of urban marketing.

What is Wheatpaste Poster Advertising?

Wheatpaste poster advertising, also known as flyposting, involves affixing posters to public surfaces using a mixture of flour, water, and adhesive (known as wheatpaste). This guerrilla marketing technique allows advertisers to display their message in high-traffic areas such as city streets, alleyways, and building facades, reaching pedestrians and motorists with minimal cost and maximum impact.

Creativity and Expression

Wheatpaste poster advertising offers artists, designers, and brands a canvas for creative expression and storytelling. From bold graphics and vibrant colors to thought-provoking messages and intricate designs, wheatpaste posters capture attention and spark conversation among passersby. Unlike traditional advertising mediums, wheatpaste posters allow for unfiltered creativity and freedom of expression, making them a popular choice for artists and activists seeking to engage with the public on social, political, and cultural issues.

Guerrilla Marketing Tactics

As a form of guerrilla marketing, wheatpaste poster advertising relies on unconventional tactics to generate buzz and drive engagement. By strategically placing posters in high-traffic areas and unexpected locations, advertisers can maximize visibility and create a sense of intrigue and curiosity among viewers. The ephemeral nature of wheatpaste posters adds to their allure, as they may be quickly covered or removed by authorities, further heightening their impact and appeal.

Community Engagement and Street Culture

Wheatpaste poster advertising is deeply rooted in street culture and community engagement, reflecting the diverse voices and perspectives of urban populations. From local businesses promoting events and products to grassroots activists raising awareness for social causes, wheatpaste posters serve as a platform for amplifying voices and fostering dialogue within communities. Their DIY aesthetic and grassroots appeal resonate with audiences who appreciate authenticity and raw expression in public spaces.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

While wheatpaste poster advertising offers a creative and cost-effective way to reach a broad audience, it’s essential to consider the legal and ethical implications of this marketing strategy. Depending on local regulations and property ownership, flyposting may be subject to fines or penalties for vandalism and trespassing. Advertisers should obtain permission from property owners or seek out designated locations for wheatpaste poster advertising to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

Conclusion: Harnessing the Power of Wheatpaste Poster Advertising

In conclusion, wheatpaste poster advertising represents a dynamic and impactful form of street marketing that allows brands, artists, and activists to engage with urban audiences in authentic and creative ways. By harnessing the power of wheatpaste posters, advertisers can amplify their message, spark conversation, and leave a lasting impression on passersby in cities around the world. As urban landscapes continue to evolve, wheatpaste poster advertising remains a powerful tool for street-level engagement and community expression.

Shipping Timeframes


shipping times based on Pacific Standard Time product shipping information
Guru Printers produces all orders respective to when they are processed and batched on the production queue. Although, we try our best to produce all orders accordingly based on your geographical proximity to a production facility, we cannot make any guarantees that your item will be produced out of a specific location.

File Setup

In order to ensure your files are print-ready, we recommend that you upload them in PDF format. When you generate a print-ready PDF, your computer will use the settings in Adobe Acrobat Distiller or any other PDF generating programs you may use. Please make sure that these are set properly before generating your PDF file.

If you are uploading PDF files created in Photoshop, please be sure all layers are flattened.

We also accept .JPG (JPEG), and .TIF (TIFF) file types, however PDF is the preferred format.

Check your file to make sure it meets our file creation guidelines. This will help speed up the production of your project and give your printed piece the best results.

  1. Use the CMYK colorspace (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK). These are industry standard printing colors. CMYK colors are different than RGB (Red, Green, Blue), which are used to display colors on your screen.
  2. Use a minimum resolution of 300 dpi for image files.
  3. Specify trim area with crop marks. (Don’t place crop marks inside the work area.)
  4. Artwork should have 1/8″ (0.125″) bleed extending past the trim line. This is to prevent minor cutting variations from leaving unintended results at the trim edge.
  5. Safe Area is the 1/8″ (0.125″) area inside the trim line. Do not put critical information or images within the Safe Area. This is to prevent minor cutting variations from leaving unintended results at the trim edge.
  6. If you want printed borders, they must be placed a minimum of 1/8″ (0.125″) inside the trim line and include bleed. This is to prevent minor cutting variations from leaving unintended results at the trim edge.

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