When you host a party, you set the tone for how much fun people have. To make sure that everyone is not only there, but that they come ready to party, invitations have to scream “Be there or be square!” The type of invitation you choose, its design, and the details that you inscribe on it, are all ways to attract your invitees and get them ready for fun. 

Why a Print Invitation Is Best

If you want to make an event super important, don’t send out one of those emails to everyone on your list and wait for them to reply. Make it a momentous occasion and go old-school. Everyone loves to get something in their mailbox, besides the occasional bill.  Print invitations that come to someone’s front door are way more appealing and say that you put some thought and effort into your get-together. 

It’s All About the Theme

To get people excited about your upcoming event, you want to choose an engaging theme for your invitation. Vivid colors are great for a child’s birthday. Or, choose black and white for an elegant affair.

The color scheme and theme of the invitation will say it all. It will either get your invitees in the mood, or it will turn them off. Tell the people on your invite list exactly what they can expect when they show up!

The Font of an Invitation

Not many invitation designers consider font. However, it’s an important design factor to set the tone for your party. It should stand out and attract the eye. Try funky fonts or large prints, and go ahead and get bold. Your guests will appreciate how the words jump off the page.

Use a Picture for Your Invitation

A picture says a thousand words. If it is your child’s first birthday, an engagement party, or a Sweet 16, affix a photo. If you incorporate a good image, your invitation will serve a dual purpose. It will get people excited about the celebration, and it will also give them a picture to keep for decoration long after the party lights have gone off.

Your invitation should be inviting and say, “Be there or be square.” Choose engaging colors, make it user-friendly, and, if possible, make it a dual purpose invite that invitees can have as a keepsake. For the best invitations to increase your party attendees, check out all the great invitation styles offered by Guru Printers today! A vast number of types, styles, and images await, to create your perfect invitation.