Ticket Printing

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    Max file size: 100 MBPermitted file types: jpg jpeg jpe gif png pdf eps

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    Max file size: 100 MBPermitted file types: jpg jpeg jpe gif png pdf eps

Event Ticket Printing Specifications:

Sizes Available:

  • Sizes range from 2″ x 5.5″ to 2.75″ x 6″


  • 14pt Semi-Gloss Cardstock
  • 14pt Coated Front and Uncoated Back


  • UV High Gloss Coating
  • Matte Lamination
  • Soft Touch Lamination

Why Choose Custom Event Ticket Printing?

Unique and Memorable Design

Custom event tickets allow you to create a design that reflects the theme and branding of your event. Unlike generic tickets, custom-designed tickets can include specific colors, logos, artwork, and typography that make them visually appealing and memorable. This attention to detail can enhance the excitement and anticipation for the event.

Enhanced Security Features

Event security is paramount, and custom tickets can incorporate various security features to prevent counterfeiting and unauthorized duplication. Options include:

  • Holograms: Shimmering overlays that are difficult to replicate.
  • UV Ink: Invisible ink that only shows under ultraviolet light.
  • Barcodes and QR Codes: Unique codes that can be scanned for verification.
  • Foil Stamping and Embossing: Adds texture and a level of complexity that is hard to duplicate.
  • Microprinting: Tiny text or patterns visible only under magnification.

Streamlined Event Management

Custom tickets with integrated barcodes, QR codes, or RFID chips can facilitate efficient entry management. These technologies allow for quick scanning and verification, reducing wait times and improving the flow of attendees into the venue. They can also be used to track attendance, monitor access to different areas, and gather data on attendee behavior.

Personalization Options

Personalized tickets can include the attendeeā€™s name, seat number, and other details specific to their purchase. This not only enhances the attendeeā€™s experience but also aids in seating arrangements and customer service. Personalized tickets can also serve as souvenirs, making them more likely to be kept as mementos.

Professional Quality and Durability

Custom printed tickets are produced using high-quality materials and advanced printing techniques, ensuring they are durable and professional-looking. This durability is crucial for events where tickets may be handled frequently or need to withstand various conditions.

Types of Custom Event Tickets

General Admission Tickets

  • Versatile and Cost-Effective: Ideal for events where seating is not assigned, such as festivals or general entry concerts. These tickets are usually simpler in design and can be produced in large quantities.
  • Variable Sizes: Available in various sizes to accommodate different design elements and information.

Reserved Seating Tickets

  • Assigned Seats: Perfect for theaters, sports events, or any situation where specific seating assignments are required. These tickets often include seat numbers, row numbers, and other location details.
  • Detailed Information: Can include additional information like entry gates, seat maps, or parking instructions.

VIP and Backstage Passes

  • Exclusive Access: Designed for attendees with special access privileges, such as VIP areas or backstage. These tickets often have more elaborate designs and enhanced security features.
  • Enhanced Branding: Can be used to promote sponsors or additional event elements, making them a premium product.

Multi-Day or Season Passes

  • Durable and Long-Lasting: Made to last for the duration of a multi-day event or an entire season. These passes are often printed on thicker stock or plastic and may include features like lamination or wear-resistant coatings.
  • Versatile Use: Suitable for festivals, sporting seasons, or any event with multiple entries over a period.

Souvenir Tickets

  • Collectorā€™s Item: Designed to be kept as keepsakes, these tickets often feature elaborate designs, high-quality printing, and special finishes like foil or embossing.
  • Commemorative Value: Ideal for significant events, milestone celebrations, or limited edition runs.

Customization Options for Event Tickets

Design Elements

  • Full-Color Printing: High-resolution printing ensures vibrant colors and sharp details, making your tickets stand out.
  • Custom Shapes and Sizes: Beyond the standard rectangular ticket, consider unique shapes that align with your event theme.
  • Artwork and Photography: Include custom artwork, illustrations, or photographs to personalize the tickets further.

Material Choices

  • Paper Stock: Choose from a range of paper stocks, from standard to premium, depending on the desired look and feel.
  • Plastic or Synthetic Materials: For increased durability, especially for tickets that will be used over an extended period.
  • Eco-Friendly Options: Sustainable materials for environmentally conscious events.

Security Features

  • Holographic Foils and Seals: Enhance security and add a touch of elegance.
  • Watermarking and Microprinting: Difficult to replicate features that deter counterfeiting.
  • Numbering and Serialization: Unique identifiers for each ticket to control distribution and entry.

Special Finishes

  • Foil Stamping and Embossing: Add a luxurious texture and shine to your tickets.
  • Spot UV Coating: Highlights specific areas with a glossy finish, creating a contrast with the rest of the design.
  • Lamination: Provides protection against wear and tear and enhances durability.

Functional Features

  • Perforation: Easy-to-tear sections for stubs or detachable portions.
  • Barcodes and QR Codes: For easy scanning and tracking.
  • Magnetic Strips and RFID Chips: Advanced options for electronic access and data tracking.

How to Order Custom Event Tickets

  1. Define Your Requirements
    • Determine the type of event and the specific needs for your tickets, such as general admission, reserved seating, or VIP access.
    • Consider the security features you need to prevent counterfeiting and manage access.
  2. Choose a Professional Printing Service
    • Select a printing service that specializes in custom event tickets and offers a range of customization options. Look for providers with a reputation for quality, reliability, and fast turnaround times.
    • Check reviews and samples of their previous work to ensure they can meet your standards.
  3. Design Your Tickets
    • Work with a graphic designer or use the printerā€™s design tools to create your ticket layout. Include all necessary information such as event name, date, venue, and any additional details like seat numbers or QR codes.
    • Ensure the design aligns with your eventā€™s branding and visual identity.
  4. Select Materials and Finishes
    • Choose the appropriate materials and finishes based on your needs and budget. Consider factors like durability, appearance, and any special features you want to include.
    • Discuss options with your printer to find the best combination for your tickets.
  5. Review Proofs and Approve
    • Request a proof of your ticket design from the printer to check for accuracy and quality. Review all elements carefully, including text, colors, and any special features.
    • Make any necessary adjustments and give final approval for printing.
  6. Print and Distribute
    • Once approved, the printing service will produce your tickets and deliver them to you. Plan for distribution, whether itā€™s through direct mail, at the venue, or via a ticketing platform.
    • Ensure you have a system in place for tracking and managing ticket sales and distribution.

Tips for Successful Custom Ticket Printing

  • Plan Ahead: Start the design and ordering process early to avoid any last-minute rush or issues. This also gives you time to make changes if needed.
  • Consider Your Audience: Design tickets that appeal to your target audience and reflect the theme of your event. This enhances the attendee experience and creates a sense of excitement.
  • Balance Aesthetics and Functionality: Ensure your tickets are not only visually appealing but also functional and easy to use. Clear information and logical layout are key.
  • Test Security Features: If using advanced security features, test them to ensure they work as intended and provide the level of protection you need.

Conclusion: Make Your Event Unforgettable with Custom Event Ticket Printing

Custom event ticket printing offers the perfect blend of creativity and practicality, allowing you to produce tickets that are not only beautiful but also secure and functional. From enhancing your eventā€™s branding to providing essential security features, custom tickets are a valuable asset for any event planner. Partner with a professional printing service to create tickets that leave a lasting impression and ensure a smooth, organized event experience for all attendees.

Invest in custom event tickets to elevate your event to new heights of professionalism and excitement. Whether for a small gathering or a large-scale production, the right tickets can make all the difference.

Shipping Timeframes


shipping times based on Pacific Standard Time product shipping information
Guru Printers produces all orders respective to when they are processed and batched on the production queue. Although, we try our best to produce all orders accordingly based on your geographical proximity to a production facility, we cannot make any guarantees that your item will be produced out of a specific location.

File Setup

In order to ensure your files are print-ready, we recommend that you upload them in PDF format. When you generate a print-ready PDF, your computer will use the settings in Adobe Acrobat Distiller or any other PDF generating programs you may use. Please make sure that these are set properly before generating your PDF file.

If you are uploading PDF files created in Photoshop, please be sure all layers are flattened.

We also accept .JPG (JPEG), and .TIF (TIFF) file types, however PDF is the preferred format.

Check your file to make sure it meets our file creation guidelines. This will help speed up the production of your project and give your printed piece the best results.

  1. Use the CMYK colorspace (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK). These are industry standard printing colors. CMYK colors are different than RGB (Red, Green, Blue), which are used to display colors on your screen.
  2. Use a minimum resolution of 300 dpi for image files.
  3. Specify trim area with crop marks. (Don’t place crop marks inside the work area.)
  4. Artwork should have 1/8″ (0.125″) bleed extending past the trim line. This is to prevent minor cutting variations from leaving unintended results at the trim edge.
  5. Safe Area is the 1/8″ (0.125″) area inside the trim line. Do not put critical information or images within the Safe Area. This is to prevent minor cutting variations from leaving unintended results at the trim edge.
  6. If you want printed borders, they must be placed a minimum of 1/8″ (0.125″) inside the trim line and include bleed. This is to prevent minor cutting variations from leaving unintended results at the trim edge.

View our File Setup Templates