Wine Bottle Label

  • Sizes *

  • Material *

  • Artwork *

  • Quantity *

  • Turnaround Time *

  • Price Calculation *

  • Weight Calculation *

  • Upload (Front) *

    Max file size: 100 MBPermitted file types: jpg jpeg jpe gif png pdf eps


Sizes Available:

  • Sizes range from 3″ x 4″ to 8.5″ x 5.5″


  • Print Front Only


  • 70lb Uncoated
  • 70lb Gloss Label


Wine labels come in two different materials:

  • 70# Uncoated Label

No glossy finish.

Can be written on with a pen or marker.

Ideal for indoor use.

Good for temporary applications.

  • 70# Gloss Label

Glossy finish.

Ideal for indoor use.

Good for short-term applications.

Custom Wine Label Printing Services Los Angeles

In the competitive world of winemaking, the right label can make all the difference. Custom wine label printing services offer a unique opportunity to elevate your brand and create a lasting impression on customers. Here’s why custom wine labels are essential and how they can benefit your business.

Unique Brand Identity

Custom wine labels allow you to express your brand’s unique personality and story. From elegant and minimalist designs to bold and vibrant artwork, your label can reflect the essence of your wine, capturing the attention of potential customers and setting your bottles apart on the shelves.

Professional Quality

High-quality printing ensures that your labels are not only visually stunning but also durable and resistant to the elements. With professional printing services, you can achieve sharp details, vibrant colors, and a premium finish that enhances the overall appearance of your wine bottles.

Versatile Design Options

Custom wine label printing offers endless design possibilities. Choose from a variety of shapes, sizes, materials, and finishes to create a label that perfectly complements your bottle and brand. Whether you prefer a classic paper label or a modern, sleek vinyl label, the options are limitless.

Compliance and Information

Ensure your labels meet all industry regulations and requirements with custom printing services. Include essential information such as alcohol content, origin, and varietal in a clear and compliant manner while maintaining an attractive design.

Personalized Touch

Custom labels provide an opportunity for personalization, making your wine bottles ideal for special occasions, corporate gifts, or limited editions. Add a personal message, a unique design, or even individual names to create a memorable and unique product.

Why Choose Local Printing Services

Expertise and Support

Partnering with a local printing service offers personalized support and expert guidance throughout the design and printing process. Local printers understand the specific needs of winemakers in your area and can provide tailored recommendations to ensure your labels make a significant impact.

Quick Turnaround

Local printers can offer fast turnaround times, ensuring you receive your custom labels promptly. This is especially beneficial for seasonal releases, events, or last-minute promotions.

Quality Assurance

Working with a local printer allows for close collaboration and quality control. You can review proofs, make adjustments, and ensure that the final product meets your expectations in terms of design, color accuracy, and material quality.

Conclusion: Make a Lasting Impression with Custom Wine Labels

Custom wine label printing is an essential tool for winemakers looking to distinguish their products and connect with customers. With unique brand identity, professional quality, versatile design options, compliance, and personalized touches, custom labels can elevate your brand and enhance the appeal of your wine bottles. Partner with a local printing service to ensure you receive high-quality, customized labels that truly represent your brand and resonate with your audience. Invest in custom wine label printing and watch your bottles shine on the shelves.

Shipping Timeframes


shipping times based on Pacific Standard Time product shipping information
Guru Printers produces all orders respective to when they are processed and batched on the production queue. Although, we try our best to produce all orders accordingly based on your geographical proximity to a production facility, we cannot make any guarantees that your item will be produced out of a specific location.

File Setup

In order to ensure your files are print-ready, we recommend that you upload them in PDF format. When you generate a print-ready PDF, your computer will use the settings in Adobe Acrobat Distiller or any other PDF generating programs you may use. Please make sure that these are set properly before generating your PDF file.

If you are uploading PDF files created in Photoshop, please be sure all layers are flattened.

We also accept .JPG (JPEG), and .TIF (TIFF) file types, however PDF is the preferred format.

Check your file to make sure it meets our file creation guidelines. This will help speed up the production of your project and give your printed piece the best results.

  1. Use the CMYK colorspace (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK). These are industry standard printing colors. CMYK colors are different than RGB (Red, Green, Blue), which are used to display colors on your screen.
  2. Use a minimum resolution of 300 dpi for image files.
  3. Specify trim area with crop marks. (Don’t place crop marks inside the work area.)
  4. Artwork should have 1/8″ (0.125″) bleed extending past the trim line. This is to prevent minor cutting variations from leaving unintended results at the trim edge.
  5. Safe Area is the 1/8″ (0.125″) area inside the trim line. Do not put critical information or images within the Safe Area. This is to prevent minor cutting variations from leaving unintended results at the trim edge.
  6. If you want printed borders, they must be placed a minimum of 1/8″ (0.125″) inside the trim line and include bleed. This is to prevent minor cutting variations from leaving unintended results at the trim edge.

View our File Setup Templates